Produced Work

As part of Cossette’s dedicated 1:1 creative team, I worked on a ton of different CRM projects for TD Bank and Sick Kids Foundation.

Here are some selections that best represent the scope of that writing.

SickKids Fall Seasonal

The seasonal direct campaigns are an opportunity to reconnect with SickKids’ one-time donors.

We wanted to remind these donors of the impact their past (and future!) donations make in the lives of patients.

I used long- and short-form storytelling to immerse donors in the lives of kids who grow up in and out of SickKids.

Not every donor receives the direct mailer, so I wrote a supporting email/web component for the seasonal campaigns.

This was a chance to refresh the patient’s story and distill it down to just a few key details.

Monthly Donor Update: September Inform

This newsletter project spanned direct mail, email, and social. The client felt that the tone of past newsletters was too corporate and impersonal.

So, our challenge was recalibrating the design and copy to lead with a more welcoming and engaging approach.

TD Email Campaigns

I wrote email campaigns for TD bank on a weekly basis. I sharpened my technical writing skills and learned how to take a lengthy client brief and turn it into something digestible.

Throughout all this, my approach was always to inject my copy with as much creativity as humanly possible.

Here’s an example of a project with a couple different components.

This offer was all about getting families into branches, so we worked with the web development team to create a branch locator module that used the address that the customer had on file.

As was typical of most projects, I also wrote web assets like banners and offer pages which each came with their own best practices for accessibility and UI.